The Gulf of Maine

Block 1

The animation displays the simulated near-surface temperature and currents produced by the Gulf of Maine-Massachusetts Bay nested FVCOM system.
The animation displays the monthly variability of the near-surface temperature and currents in the Gulf of Maine and its adjacent Georges Bank and New England Shelf over the period 1978-2016.
The animation displays the variability of the M2 tidal currents and elevation over an M2 tidal cycle in the Gulf of Maine (GoM) and its adjacent Georges Bank and New England Shelf. The simulation was done using the earliest version of the GoM-FVCOM.
The animation displays the stream function of the near-surface flow in the U.S. Northeast for January 2017. The simulation was done using the improved high-resolution GoM-FVCOM.
The animation shows an example of using ViSiT to animate the change of the salinity isosurface from the FVCOM simulation results.
The animation displays the FVCOM-SWAVE predicted significant wave heights in the Gulf of Maine/Georges Bank region under variable wind conditions in 2007.

Block 2

The animation displays the trajectories of particles released near the surface and bottom under summer conditions with only tidal forcing.
The animation displays the trajectories of particles released near the surface and bottom under winter conditions with only tidal forcing.
The animation displays the trajectories of particles released near the surface and bottom under summer conditions with tidal and seasonally-mean wind forcing.
The animation displays the trajectories of particles released near the surface and bottom under winter conditions with tidal and seasonally-mean wind forcing.
The animation displays the trajectories of particles released near the surface and bottom under summer conditions with tidal and varying wind forcing.
The animation displays the trajectories of particles released near the surface and bottom under winter conditions with tidal and varying wind forcing.
The animation shows a 3-D view of particles released near the surface and bottom on the southern flank under the summer condition with tide only, tide plus the mean wind, and tide plus variable winds. The particles moved along the local bathymetry with significant cross-bank movement near the bottom.

Block 3

The animation shows how a particle near the bottom could move onto the northern flank of Georges Bank. On the northern flank, the tidal pumping mechanism advected the particle move upward, even though the tidally averaged vertical velocity field was downward.
The animation shows how the particles near the bottom could cross the shelf-break and tidal mixing fronts. On the southern flank, the particles converge toward tidal mixing and shelf-break front near the bottom and then cross the fronts in the water column above the bottom. The summertime shelf-break front is dominated by salinity.
The animation demonstrates what can cause the particle to move upward in opposition to the residual flow over steep bottom topography. The analytical solution suggests Stoke’s drift could become strong enough to revise the particle trajectory upward over a steep bottom topography.

Block 4

The animation displays the movements of the dye released at the surface, mid-water depth, and the bottom in the Bay of Fundy of the Gulf of Maine.
The animation displays the movements of the dye released at the surface, mid-water depth, and the bottom on the northern shelf of the Gulf of Maine.