The Satilla

Block 1

The animation displays the tidal current variability over an M2 tidal cycle in the Satilla River, Georgia, U.S.A
The animation displays the variability of the NH4 concentration over an M2 tidal cycle in the Satilla River, Georgia, U.S.A.
1.     The animation displays the variability of the Chl-a concentration over an M2 tidal cycle in the Satilla River, Georgia, U.S.A.
1.     The animation displays the variability of the DO concentration over an M2 tidal cycle in the Satilla River, Georgia, U.S.A.

Block 2

The animation displays the trajectories of particles released at high tide in the Satilla River, Georgia, the U.S.A., under a condition with only tidal forcing.
The animation displays the trajectories of particles released at low tide in the Satilla River, Georgia, U.S.A., under a condition with only tidal forcing.
The animation displays the trajectories of particles released at high tide in the Satilla River, Georgia, U.S.A., under tidal and wind forcing conditions.
The animation displays the trajectories of particles released at low tide in the Satilla River, Georgia, U.S.A., under tidal and wind forcing conditions.
The animation compared the FVCOM and ECOM-si-predicted trajectories of particles released over the salt march at low tide in the Satilla River, Georgia, U.S.A. The only tidal forcing was considered.
The animation compared the FVCOM and ECOM-si-predicted trajectories of particles released over the salt march at high tide in the Satilla River, Georgia, U.S.A. The only tidal forcing was considered.

Block 3

The animation displays the variability of suspended sediment concentration (SSC) along the Satilla River, Georgia, U.S.A. The only tidal forcing was considered.